Ensure your child’s future with a healthy smile!
Good oral health starts in childhood
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Ensure your child’s future with a healthy smile! Good oral health starts in childhood!
In order to have a beautiful, healthy smile, your child needs teeth and jaws aligned correctly – in other words, a correct bite. While most orthodontic treatment starts between the ages of 9 and 14, some orthodontic problems are easier to correct with earlier intervention.
early development of tooth decay
difficulty chewing/biting
mouth breathing
dental abrasion
crowded teeth
unpleasant oral odour
vicious habits that alter skeletal development
facial asymmetry of the lower jaw

Make an appointment for your child!
The first visit involves establishing a friendly relationship between the child and the doctor. As methods of eliminating fear, advanced strategies are applied, such as sedation or even hypnosis.
Malocclusion: it is a problem faced by the vast majority of adults, due to the fact that in childhood this defect was not given enough attention. At the same time, correcting malocclusion at an older age is a long and difficult process.
Preventive examination of the child by specialists will allow identifying the problem at an early stage. This makes possible to stop the further progression of the defect when the bite is forme
The pediatric dentist knows well all the reasons for the occurrence of an abnormal malocclusion in children.The cause of the problem is determined on the basis of a visual inspection, a detailed conversation with parents and, if necessary, getting a diagnosis after X-ray.
Identifying the true cause of dental diseases ensures the success of the treatment. At the same time, the clinic’s specialists determine the most effective way to correct the defect in relation to the child’s age.
We offer the following services:
– Diagnosis of anomalies of the masticatory organ
– Development of an individual treatment plan
– Periodontal treatments
– Professional sanitation
Ready to start the process of restoring your smile?
Fill out the form and schedule your first consultation to discuss your treatment plan.