

PARADONTOLOGY – is that branch of dental dentistry, which deals with the study, prophylaxis and research of the gums and the inflammatory processes of the periodontium. The most common diseases in periodontology are gingivitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis.


bad breath (halena)

bright red gum color

gingival bleeding

stripping the roots

MONBLANC has solutions for all these problems. Make a doctor’s appointment to receive the treatment you need.

Evolution of paradontopathies

It evolves slowly without pain with little sensory discomfort if not accompanied by other chronic diseases.

In the case of chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc.), paradontopathies evolve very rapidly and aggressively.

The cause of gum inflammation is incorrect hygiene, dental occlusion, orthodontic treatment, chronic systemic diseases.

Removal of these causes leads to a state of well-being and self-confidence.

The benefits of periodontal disease treatment:

  • decrease in the degree of gingival inflammation, with a change in the color and shape of the gingival relief within healthy physiological limits
  • restoring pleasant and healthy breathing;
  • disappearance of gingival bleeding when brushing teeth;
  • total treatment of purulent discharges around the teeth and gums;
  • loss of tooth mobility – an alarming symptom of periodontitis.


Make an appointment with your dentist now and find out the condition of your teeth.

Programează chiar acum o consultație la medicul stomatolog și află starea danturii tale.

Ready to start the process of restoring your smile?

Fill out the form and schedule your first consultation to discuss your treatment plan.
